آئینہ ابصار

علمی، ادبی، مذہبی، سیاسی اور سماجی موضوعات

PM Canada & PM Pakistan, By: Gulfam Ashraf

سوشل میڈیا پر شئیر کریں

A Visionary, yes with a capital V Hazrat Khalifatul Masih the fourth RA once said in his remarks about Canada and I quote from memory “ I wish that the whole world becomes like canada and Canada becomes the whole world. ”  I recall that Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad’s heart was filled with joy and his face was glowing with smiles and happiness when he made this statement about Canada.  Being a young American citizen we always laughed at Canada for being behind in economic growth and military strength. One of my history teacher once compared US military with Canada and said “ Candian military is still on horseback.” 
    My mother always wished that we settle in Canada. Perhaps in her mind she had all the social and welfare benefits she had in her mind along with the American law that every boy in the united states from age 18 to 25 must enroll in selective service. After all the hardships the only asset she had was two young boys myself and my younger brother. Canada being synonymous with peace looked at my family’s record which included my father being locked for more than 20 years refused to fulfil my mothers wish and we ended up in the states. Three years in the states her fear came to life. I turned 18 and registered in Selective Service while she had to cook and drive a physician’s kids to school.
    Another five years into the states one evening my mother was comparing herself to her counterparts in Canada and realized that over time she has made a lot more money than them. She finally admitted that everything I learned from school that the US is the land of opportunity with a 19 trillion dollar economy is True. We are all humans and no two minds out of 7 billion will ever think alike. Recently with the help of a mentor I am learning to keep money aside when analyzing and planning for generations to come. Keeping this background in mind and knowing Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad who was a Visionary who could see centuries in front of him I was tasked to watch a short speech by Canadian Prime minister.
    Half way through the short video my eyes were filled with tears and I was literally crying. Khalifa tul Masih never resided in the western Hemisphere but was still able to see deep inside North American history, culture as well as the future. The longest visit by Khalifatul Masih was in 2018 when Hazrat Mirza Masoor Ahmad came to the states for about 20 days or so. Huzoor’s quote sums up Canadian mindset from top to bottom including the  prime minister and civilians. Justin Trudeau holds the honor to host current Khalifa tul Masih as his Royal guest and openly admits close ties with Ahmadiya Muslim Community. In my mind there is no shadow of a doubt that this short video is a direct result of free exchange of thoughts and guidance from the current guided Khalifa of God Almighty. There are plenty of videos on YouTube to prove this point, some when Justin Trudeau was not a prime minister yet and some even after he was elected. 

    There is another short video fresh in my mind where a crowd ruins the final due respect that every Soul deserves. People in the west must be familiar with the standard protocol regardless of the race, gender, and religion of the deceased one we all stop our cars and let fellow human being pass by, which is usually escorted by police motorcycles provided by the state. Not only the deceased gets free passage but also their family and friends who are with the hearse do not have to stop at lights. My uncle recently passed away and Neighbours who are Non-Muslims came over and offered their Condolences and offered every help  to ease the pain that the family was grieving through. But in this short video fellow Muslims and Neighbors of the village were Cursing, abusing, fighting and casting every stone on each step on her final journey to the grave. Family members were bruised and left alone to arm themselves just so they could lower their beloved to the soil that gave her life and liberty.
    The Great Prime Minister’s handsome lips remained shut and his minister’s mouths remained silent and the law once again proved to be a living corpse which blind folded all these current events. 
    Justin Trudeau started his speech by Aslamoalikum Warahmatullah which was for minority Mslims living in Canada. If Pakistani Prime minister ever decides to speak for a minority living in Pakistan he would start with Asamoalikum without the L which means death be upon you. He has to because he has openly admitted that he subscribes to Khatmy Nabuwat which is spearheaded by Molvis who are thirsty for Ahmadi blood. Muslim population in North America is not more than 2 or 3 percent demographically but still a loss of a single Muslim family urged the prime minister to give a speech in parliment. Pakistan was only made in the name of Islam its Canadians who are following the Quranic injunction that the killing of one innocent life is the murder of Humanity as a whole. 
    Oh Boy I still wonder if the Great Visionary had this day in front of his eyes when he said I have a wish. Trudeau openly admitted that this Tragedy was not an accident but an act of terrorism. Similarly an act of terror occurred in Pakistan while the mainstream is busy showing accidents and who died where in a car crash. Senior Analysts are busy trying to prove that acts of terror with Ahmadis are normal accidents that occur in most Pakistanis’ lives. X was beefing with Y and an individual died so what’s the big deal with Ahmadis systematically losing one or two members of their community every other week. Justin unlike these so called intellectuals felt that it was part of his duty to mention Muhammad Aslam Zafis who was an individual murdered on the basis of his religon which happens to be Islam.
    Justin was brave enough to admit and I quote “ So many people across the country who faced insults, threats and violence. They were all targeted because of their Muslim faith. This is happening here in Canada and it has to STOP.” Honestly ask yourself as a citizen of Pakistan can you imagine your Handsome prime minister making this Golden statement replacing the word Muslim with Ahmadis. Hell Noo he would lose his breath with the fear of losing the next election thats luring his head. Its leaders like Trudeau and his father whose generations deserve to rule and get elected again and again as president.
 The Golden quotation continues “ As leaders and as Canadians we not only have to say enough is enough and we must take action. We Cannot allow any form of hate to take root because the consequences can be far too serious. We’ve seen it in Chris church We’ve seen it in other places around the world and we have Lived it at home.” 

Our prime minister on the other hand sees Islamophobia around the world but refuses to open his pretty eyes for Ahmadiphobia that lives at home.
Here is what Canadian Prime minister said “  Right know canadians are outraged by what happened on sunday and many muslim canadians are scared .Last night i spoke to the mayor of London and the representative of local muslim community Nawaz Tahir to share my condolences and disscuss the urgency  of what more we do to keep our communities save .Mr speaker we stand with the people of london and with muslim communities accross the country . we want to continue  funding like the security infrastructure programme to help protect communities at risk  and their schools and places of worship .we continue to fight hate online and offline which includes taking even more action to dismantle  hate groups like we did with the proud boys by adding them to canada’s  terrorists list .we continue doing every thing we can to keep communities save .Mr speaker if anyone thinks racism and hate doesn’t exist in this country i ask for them how can we explain such violence to that child in hospital . how can we look families eyes and say islamophobia isn’t real .when you listen to the black muslim woman who consistently looks over  her shoulder at the bus stop fearing someone will pull off her hijab or hurt her .she will tell you islamophobia exists .if you listen to the  parents who begg  their children not to wear traditional clothes for fear of being harassed or attacked simply for what they are wearing, I will tell you racism exists .muslim families have offen felt uncertain or fearfull in streets wearing traditional clothes, the reality is, most canadians haven’t necessary been aware of that fear that far too many muslims carry with them anytime going outside.It is on all of us to understand and experience and be there  to support and to help. We can and we must. As canadians we have been fighting a global pandemic for over a year. We did it by coming together and working together, and now is the only way of confronting the ugly face of hatred. I want all Canadians to know that we are all diminished if any of us is targeted. We need to stand uo to reject racism and terror and work together to embrace what makes our country strong and our diversity. May peace and blessings with you” (Justin Trudeau).
    When you refuse to consult Ahmadi Muslims like Atif Mian then Pakistani Prime Minister’s wish would be and I quote “ Right Now Pakistanis are filled with Joy by what happened on Friday and Many Ahmadi Pakistanis are scared. Last night I spoke with the Nazir e Aala, Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Rabwah, a representative of the local Ahmadiyya Community, to share my joy and the urgency to discuss, “what more we must do to keep our communities unsafe”. Mr. Speaker we stand behind the people of Lahore and with Ahmadiyya Muslim community across the country. We are going to continue to fund initiatives like the Maududi Infrastructure programs to help destroy schools and places of worship. Will continue to promote hate online and offline which includes taking more actions to strengthen far right hate groups like we did with “Shareer boys” & like Khadim Rizvi’s by adding them to Pakistan’s terror listing. And we continue doing everything that we can to keep our communities safe. Mr. Speaker if anyone thinks Racism and Hatred don’t exist in this country I ask them this how do we explain violence that women in that Graveyard. How can we look those families in the eye and say Ahmadiphobia isn’t real. When you listen to Ahmadi student girls who constantly look over her shoulder at the bus stop fearing someone will pull off her hijab or hurt her. She will tell you that Ahmadiphobia exists. If you listen to the parents who beg their children not to wear traditional muslim Burka for the fear of them being harrassed and attacked simply for they are wearing will tell you Ahmadiphobia exists. Ahmadi families have often felt uncertain or even fearful when they go out on the streets wearing traditional garments. The reality is most Pakistanis are not certainly aware of that fear racialized and Ahmadi Pakistanis carry with them anytime they go outside. And it is on all of us to understand and be there to support and to help. We can and we must act. As Pakistanis we have been fighting a global  pandemic for a year now. We did it by coming together, by working together and that is the only way of confronting the pretty face of Love. I want all Pakistanis to know that we are diminished when any one of us is targeted. We need to lay flat down to accept and embrace racism and terror and work together and embrace what makes our country weak. Our Stupidity! May Death and sorrow be upon you.” (Imran Khan). 
    I had only one thing positive about Imran Khan in mind that he is handsome. Here is a picture of Justin Trudeau and then decide for yourself who is the handsome one.