آئینہ ابصار

علمی، ادبی، مذہبی، سیاسی اور سماجی موضوعات

Look At The face & See the Persona of State

سوشل میڈیا پر شئیر کریں

This is the future of Pakistan, these are the people who are spposed to be constructing this nation and above all, these are the ones who are torchbearers of Islam and Sunna of the prophet!

well, if so, then Do Not blame the world or islamophobia, coz, they are totally justified. we can look the situation otherwise, if the state is not firmly standing behind these soldiers of Islam

just think a turban on the head of this senseless creature, because his Dastar bandi has taken place a shortly before this murder of Naseer Ahmed and chanting of that so called Hadis is the some total of education and grooming of that Madrissa in Mohammad wala.

That madrassa is not alone and this incident is not just a coincident. state and Highest quarters of state know full well that what creature they have created and now they are suggesting to regularize them.

Then IK ” youthias ” are not worthy to blame for stupidity and nonsense in their activism. They know this is the order of the day and the only SOP workable and valid for this half hearted , biased and opportunist law force and state machinery.

No need to waste one’s energy in pondering and analyzing the scenario and situation, just look at the face of this theological robot , its bearing its clothes and its, EXPRESSIONS, and tell yourself how much it is closer or distant from Human kind.

That is the out come of our strategic cross breed of subhuman bipedal creature known as Islamists and Nationalist in Pakistan!!

Do you find an iota of hope or aspiration on this face?

Leave aside the Inspiration.