آئینہ ابصار

علمی، ادبی، مذہبی، سیاسی اور سماجی موضوعات

ابھی نہ جاؤ چھوڑ کر، از شانزے

سوشل میڈیا پر شئیر کریں

From the tiny moths to the huge ancient stones and aged wines… they all contribute to germinate the notion of love in us. ‘Love’, such a prevalent expression. Often, well, most of the times, the content we consume depicts love towards a person. This representation does not justify the vastness and magnitude love holds. We tend to realise, however, as we embrace the passage of time, that Love is noble. It holds a grandeur and purity in it. Its deeply etched within every inch of wilderness and our surroundings. Its simple yet it holds wide ranging emotions within it. The baby who stops crying when he sees his mom coming towards him, clouds pouring because somewhere a bird is dry-mouthed, the bickering siblings who wage wars with eachother but can’t even see eachother
lose, the winds playing with someone’s locks, the stranger helping a hesitant person get on escalator, the girl crying at midnight reading the ending of a book that took so long to complete but the tragedy is that now its finished, the friends casually holding hands to transfer heat amidst the chilly
weather, its all evident yet concealed.
What’s resembling amongst everything is the fact that we are never overflowed by
these moments. We always seek for more and more. We never want these presences, these symphonies of existence to depart.
Not yet please.

‎ جو ختم ہو کسی جگہ یہ ایسا سلسلہ نہیں